VirtualBOX OS ??  veja agora...
Vá na parte de DOWNLOADS e verá que apenas a versão "VirtualBOX OSE (Open 
Source Edition)" é gratuita, vem os fontes pra vc compilar, agora o VirtualBOX 
binaries é apenas para uso pessoal ou avaliação:

VirtualBox binaries ¶
The binaries in this section are all released under the VirtualBox Personal Use 
and Evaluation License (PUEL). By downloading, you agree to the terms and 
conditions of that license. 


VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL) ¶
This license applies if you download the full VirtualBox binaries from the 
Downloads page. It does not apply to the VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), 
which falls under the GPL instead; see Editions for details about the 
differences between these releases. 

In summary, the VirtualBox PUEL allows you to use VirtualBox free of charge 

  a.. for personal use or, alternatively, 
  b.. for product evaluation. 
In addition, academic use of VirtualBox is also permitted free of charge by the 

If you do not belong to either category, you will have to purchase a commercial 
license. Do not hesitate to contact Sun Microsystems, Inc. in this matter. 

If you are confused by the legalese below, you may also want to take a look at 
our Licensing FAQ to answer a few common questions. 


Sem contar que a OSE não tem aceleração para video e mais algumas coisas como...


Open Source VirtualBox and other editions ¶
After several years of intensive development, VirtualBox was released as Open 
Source in January 2007. innotek has chosen to release its VirtualBox source 
code under the GNU General Public License (GPL). 

If you are interested in using VirtualBox -- either for private or business use 
--, you have the choice between two versions: 

  a.. The full VirtualBox package is available in binary (executable) form free 
of charge from the Downloads page. This version is free for personal use and 
evaluation under the terms of the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation 
  If, instead, you wish to purchase licenses for enterprise use and/or 
enterprise support for VirtualBox, please do not hesitate to contact your Sun 

  a.. The VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) is the one that has been 
released under the GPL and comes with complete source code. It is functionally 
equivalent to the full VirtualBox package, except for a few features that 
primarily target enterprise customers. This gives us a chance to generate 
revenue to fund further development of VirtualBox. 
  VirtualBox OSE is also available from the Downloads page. 

Closed-source features ¶
The following list shows the enterprise features that are only present in the 
closed-source edition. Note that this list may change over time as some of 
these features will eventually be made available with the open-source version 
as well. 

  a.. Remote Display Protocol (RDP) Server 
  This component implements a complete RDP server on top of the virtual 
hardware and allows users to connect to a virtual machine remotely using any 
RDP compatible client. 

  a.. USB support 
  VirtualBox implements a virtual USB controller and supports passing through 
USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 devices to virtual machines. 

  a.. USB over RDP 
  This is a combination of the RDP server and USB support allowing users to 
make USB devices available to virtual machines running remotely. 

  a.. Serial ATA controller 
  Like a real SATA controller, VirtualBox's virtual SATA controller operates 
faster and also consumes less CPU resources than the virtual IDE controller. 
Also, this allows you to connect more than three virtual hard disks to the 



Luiz Escobar

From: EmbarcaDelphi 
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: [delphi-br] Re: Ajuda para rodar aplicativo no wine

  Acho que vc está enganado. Ele é OpenSource e esta na GPL:

VirtualBox is a powerful x86 virtualization 
<> product for enterprise 
as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, 
high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only 
professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software 
under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). See "About 
VirtualBox <>" for an introduction

VirtualBox é um poderoso x86 virtualização produto para a empresa, bem 
como uso doméstico. Não só VirtualBox é um recurso extremamente rico, 
produto de alto desempenho para clientes empresariais, é também a única 
solução profissional que está disponível gratuitamente como Open Source 
Software sob os termos da GNU General Public License (GPL). Consulte 
"Sobre o VirtualBox" para uma introdução

Traduzido pelo Google Tradutor :)

Ricardo César Cardoso escreveu:
> Se for usar o VirtualBox comercialmente tb tem que licenciar... a 
> versão open é para uso individual.
> []'s
> Ricardo.
> 1) Evite escrever suas mensagens usando somente LETRAS MAIÚSCULAS.
> 2) Revise o texto de sua mensagem. Uma mensagem bem escrita é melhor 
> compreendida.
> 3) Vamos ajudar o Grupo e o Yahoo! Apague o conteúdo irrelevante!

[As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]

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