
Eu fiz uma instalação no IIS, porém existem momento que aplicação
trava, e vou lá e dou um recicly na ApplicationPool e pronto, volta
tudo a funcionar, estive lendo este arquivo


    *  Create a new Application Pool for your IW applications
    * Limit the pool to 1 (one) worker process
    * Disable the scheduled recycling (or set it to values that won't
hurt your application)
    * Grant sufficient permissions to the account that executes the
App Pool (especially the directory and files where your ISAPI is
    * Set an explicit ServerController.CacheDirectory and grant
sufficient permissions to it
    * Set ServerController.ComInitialization to ciNone

No que diz respeito ao  " Limit the pool to 1 (one) worker process" eu
alterei o request para 1, seria isto???

Alguma dica??

Obrigado  todos,

Marcelo Moacir Florindo

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