I'm working on a Delphi 7 app that displays a small window in the
foreground of a running Powerpoint presentation. My app works fine,
except the Powerpoint show pauses for as long as my app is running,
and I need to have the show continue to cycle through the slides. I
had one suggestion to use SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_TOPMOST...), but
that didn't help. 

I'm now looking for a way to send a message to restart the
presentation when my app runs. I see the TPowerPointPresentation
component under Servers, but I can't find any help or examples on how
to use it. 

On this page <http://skp.mvps.org/ppt00040.htm#5> I found some VB code
that appears to control the slide show running state:
 If .View.State = ppSlideShowPaused Then
    .Presentation.SlideMaster.Shapes("PauseButton").TextFrame _
                .TextRange.Text = "Pause"
    .View.State = ppSlideShowRunning
    .Presentation.SlideMaster.Shapes("PauseButton").TextFrame _
                .TextRange.Text = "Resume"
    .View.State = ppSlideShowPaused

Is it possible to get the same functionality as     
.View.State = ppSlideShowRunning
using the Delphi TPowerPointPresentation component?


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