Hi all,

At 08:51 8/12/98 +1200, Peter wrote:
>I have a server process that updates our interbase db.  Changes to the db
>do not become visible to the client unless the client re-connects.  Is this
>correct or havve I got a wrong setting somewhere?

This will usually be becasue the server process has not committed the data,
or the client needs to refresh its view.

The same situation occurrs with WISQL. If you look at a table in WISQL,
then change the table in your own app, then relook at the data in WISQL it
will not appear to have changed. 

But if you then do a commit in WISQL, and relook at the data, aha, there
are the changes.

This is all to do with the versioning engine in Interbase, where you only
see data in a consistent view. ie so if you run a query, you see a snapshot
of the data in the state at the instant you began the query, even though
someone else may have changed the data during the course of the query being

Re-connecting the client has just refreshed the view, so the changes become

Look at the IB settings in the BDEAdmin, to sort out how you view the data.
In particular see SQLPASSTHRU MODE and the DRIVER FLAGS settings. BDEAdmin
help is good.

Kindest Regards


Gary Benner   -   Software Developer   -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corporate Software New Zealand Limited - Auckland - New Zealand
tel: +64-9 846-6067   fax: +64-9 846-6152    mob: (021)-966-992
Client Server | Automation | Delphi Mentor Services | Interbase
    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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