I have most of it working by using a modified string grid, which has lots
more properties like events for allowing the moving of columns, event during
the move, and an end move event. The resize events work in a similar method.

I will have to see what I can do..



-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Rohit Gupta
Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 1998 14:43
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: Re: [DUG]: Another question about placing control's over a


sorry not very helpful, but I gave up a while ago.  There was just
too much interference from windows.  I ended up popping a grid at the
right place to simulate a combobox.  It was much easier to get that
working.  :-)

On  8 Dec 98 at 6:38, Chris Crowe wrote:

> Another question about placing control's over a grid.
> I have a small problem.
> I want to have multiple edit controls and combo box controls for each
> in a grid, one per row. The control will just become visible when the
> underlying column is selected.
> Overriding the paint event makes the border dissapear on the combo's which
> means the actual text editing rectangle starts about 3 pixels down and to
> the right of the top left edge of the combo.
> I want my edit controls to also edit text at this offset. The way I though
> was using the EM_SETRECT message which allows me to control where the
> editing rectangle is for the edit control.
> The edit control must have the ES_MULTILINE flag set in the Params section
> of CreateParams for the EM_SETRECT message to work.
> procedure TAdrockVisualFieldEdit.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
> begin
>   inherited CreateParams(Params);
>   Params.Style := Params.Style or ES_MULTILINE or WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
> end;
> Now the problem, when I am on the edit control and move to a cell with the
> combo I get a combo with no cursor, and I can not type in to the control.
> I press tab I get the cursor, and am able to enter text. This also only
> occurs when I am navigating using the UP and Down Arrow Keys. Using the
> mouse works fine.
> If I do not have the ES_MULTILINE flag the problem does not show up at
> and I get a cursor every time on each field without a problem.
> But then without the ES_MULTILINE flag I can not move the actual editing
> rectangle of the edit control to the position I want.
> Any ideas what is happening here?
> Chris
>  -- 8< -- 8< -- [ Original Message End ] -- >8 -- >8 --
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