>>With the tables I use (Paradox), I get so once and a while the
>>message "Index out of date". What causes that, and how to fix it?

>You can fix it by purchasing any one of a number of 'fixit' utilities.  They
>are either cheap or if youre game - free.  Below is the one I have used.
>As for what causes them, data corruption, such as crosslinked files is a one
>source.  I see more 'index out of date' errors on older machines, but this
>relationship is not linear (ie I get some new machines with corruption
>problems too).
>Does anyone know of any programatical causes for index out of date errors?

A crash or situation where the table is in edit mode and is not closed properly
seems capable of causing it.  Also (delphi1) there appeared to be a situation
where a table could updated while another machine held an edit lock - This
immediately caused an index out of date.  main danger seems to be in relation
to edit locks so try to prevent long periods of time in edit mode - EG user halfway
through data-entry going to lunch...

Aaron Scott-Boddendijk
Jump Productions
(07) 838-3371 Voice
(07) 838-3372 Fax

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