>Thanks for the info, however
>The part that confuses me is the passing of the pointer to the structure
>as an integer.

>> hResult = m_pAddContactDirectBuffer->GetReplyBufferDirect(
>> sizeof(reply_hdr_def), (long*)&replyHdr,
>> &vt_success);

(long *)&replyHdr is the following

&replyHdr is a type 'Pointer to  TreplyHdr';

(long *) is 'cast whatever is on my right to a 'pointer to longint''

so in delphi

   PLONG = pointer to longint;
  GetReplyBuffer(..., PLONG(@ReplyHdr),...);

it is not passing an integer but rather tricking the compiler into thinking that 
the pointer it iss passing is a pointer to an integer rather than a structure.

Aaron Scott-Boddendijk
Jump Productions
(07) 838-3371 Voice
(07) 838-3372 Fax

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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