Peter Jones wrote:

> I can't help directly but you might wanna do a quick test with FreeIB
> Comps and compare the results.

No, they won't provide the precise services the BDE ones are, 
and I'm more than happy with what the IBO ones are doing in 
other respects.

> Another thought, does the field ever contain a char(0)? 

In theory it might, it practise it doesn't. Not an issue or cause.

>  Can you make it a text blob? 

Don't wanna, might hafta <g>
> Is the field char or varchar? 

Hmmm. At present it is varchar(20) -- I think I'll need to keep that 
as sometimes it *can* be a couple shorter than that.

> Tried a different BDE?

I reckon I'm right up to date with BDE versions, and am not keen 
to try backtracking. <g>

All good suggestions though, thanks. (I was sort of hoping there 
was an obvious "select Language xxxx" solution, but clearly a bit 
more poking around is required to get to the bottom of it).  


Peter Hyde, SPIS Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand 
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