
1. Have you tried changing the field type to a Blob, even just to try and see if the 
effect is the 

2. How big is the field. Varchar's over 255 characters in length are treated as 
somewhere ( I think it is in the BDE, but cannot be sure - its too early in the 
morning for that!! ) .

Good luck.

Kindest Regards


At 17:51 on 1/02/1999 you wrote 

>Hi folks,
>  I have an Interbase database containing a string field which is 
>effecitvely binary (i.e. potentially uses any of the 255 "ASCII" 
>characters, not just the usual 127 or so text ones).
>My application is accessing the field both via the BDE/SQL Links 
>*and* via IBObjects. Via the latter, the data from this field is 
>always returned ok. Via SQL links, high-bit characters are getting 
>munged (to other high-bit characters -- can't spot the exact 
>pattern, but an example is that chr(174) is returned as chr(171)).  
>Naturally, I've checked the BDE administrator's Language Driver 
>selection for that alias, and it is blank. Any idea what I should set 
>it to to prevent this behaviour? Or perhaps one of the driver flags 
>or some such?
>(No, I don't really have the option of using IBObjects only -- some 
>other components are dependent on the BDE-based ones, alas, 
>so they are used in this very specific case. Ugh.)  
>Peter Hyde, SPIS Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand 
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