Yes, it comes and goes, just another irritant one has to live with. 
:-)  Sometimes (but not always), it happens because the pallette is 
not in focus when the mouse hovers over it.

On 10 Feb 99 at 11:33, Alistair George wrote:

> Hi all. I have noticed an anomaly with 2 other PCs here using D3 in that =
> components on the IDE are sometimes missing their hint descriptors. On =
> my latest PC the descriptors are missing all the time, whereas on the =
> other PCs the descriptors can be re-instated by closing and restarting =
> D3.
> Descriptors meaning the assigned component name which is a help when u =
> have 100 or so components!
> Anyone experienced this, and if so, how to fix>??


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