>AFAIK Application.OnException does not fire when you kill a tardy app
>via the NT Task Manager which is the sort of thing I do way too often.  

I can see that this migfht be a problem if the 'immediate kill' option is switched
on in the registry but with normal settings a close application message is sent
first I believe - you will of course need to have a handler to deal with this case as

>I have nasty piece of code at the moment that does some bad recursion &
>rewinding to do comms sequencing - if I get it wrong I often end up in
>an infinite loop which means reset button for Win 98 or under NT I have
>to prune the task.

Ouch... I really hope w2k is better than 98 for that... I'm dreading  w2k being
a step backwards from NTws...

>I also have to admit to using 'Halt' in some code to get back to the IDE
>fast when things go really wrong in code (normally removed before
>release I might add <g>).

Cool... And here was me thinking it should be removed from the language ;)
along with gotos.

>In the end I just don't trust things like on exception handling to work
>100% under Win9x.

Excellent point... I'm so accustomed to using NT now (especially since most
clients are or have moved to NT)...

Has anyone played with betas of w2k to comment on how delphi application
behaviour might be affected 12 months from now...

Aaron Scott-Boddendijk
Jump Productions
(07) 838-3371 Voice
(07) 838-3372 Fax

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