At 08:50 12/02/99 +1300, Patrich Sheehan wrote:
>Try "DB Utilities " by Robert F Fabiszak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>available on Delphi Super Page as ""  about 350kb I have a copy
>if you need it

Here is a quick comparison of dbutil32 and Superior Table Printer ver 1.02
from Wade A.

1. This dbutil32 table printer is a 32 bit program so I assmume it handles
long file names. 
2. If a table has more than 50 fields it prints a faulty second page, using
the default font. (didn't try other fonts) and some fonts overflow their
allocated page space.
3. It does not print time and date of printing.
4. It allows you to choose the font for printing.
5. It prominently features the table name on the printed page.
6. It is free.

STP v1.02 from Wade Achterlonie
1. Is a 16 bit program and uses the default handling for long file names.
2. Correctly prints second pages
3. Nicely prints date and time per page
4. Has one fixed font which it seems to handle well
5. Is not free.
6. Has options for more or less detail per page.
7. Generally has more details than dbutil32

Topics 2 and 3 (especially) are highly valued so STP 1.02 is my preferred
choice of these two programs.


Russell Belding
Belding Computing Devices

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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