I have a old D1 that is mid port to D4 so currently some parts are 32
bit others are 16 bit.  
I would like to build an one install set for the application - does
anyone know if Installshield Express (ie the one that comes with D4),
could be persuaded to install the 16 bit BDE - or at least how to set up
a 16 bit alias?
Currently I have 3 install sets - 1 for the 16 bit BDE redistributables,
1 that installs the 16 bit app & sets the alias and the third that
installs the 32 bit stuff (included BDE & alias).  Would like to reduce
that down to one but if I have to buy Installshield Pro or something,
probably won't bother as the 16 bit stuff is on its way out (about time

Grant Black 
Software Developer 
SmartMove (NZ) Ltd 
Phone:     +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 
Fax  :     +64 9 361-0211 

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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