At 20:37 15/07/1999 +1200, you wrote:
>We have had problems in some machines recently where BDE 3.5 has been
>installed and then BDE 4.51 has been installed over it.
>In every case, the alias that was installed with BDE 3.5 appears to have
>become "Read Only", that is to say the path (and possibly other settings)
>cannot be changed.
>The only fix appears to be to remove and reinstall the BDE. Anyone have
>knowledge of this?

Hello Patrick

Are you looking at the old alias using the BDEADMINISTRATOR for the newer BDE?

I have seen this problem before and here are a couple of comments.

If the path to the old alias is not currently available try 
1. enabling the path (turning on the pc the path points to) 
2. deleting the entire path (yes sometime I've done this but been unable to
delete the last char of the path)

Try right clicking on the path and first opening the bdeadmin cfg file
first. After doing this a read only alias has lost its read only status and
allowed me to change it.

Hope this helps.

Russell Belding

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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