> LockWindowUpdate(Form1.Handle);
> UnLockWindowUpdate(0);
> Check out Win32.hlp
Ha, I just told another to do the same! But I couldnt find it, honest.
Unfortunately, that aint the answer. What has happened is I have increased
the size of a panel from 360x270 to 338x450 (same ratio). This capturing is
not done the normal way (the ad hoc system is to use a callback) callback
functions and the standard capture interface is too slow, and up till now,
my direct screen capture method has worked well, apart from not having the
resolution that it should have (hence the larger/altered window).
The panel is used as a handle to the video capture card and video is
captured thusly:
BMP[framecount] := TFastBMP.Create(panel1.Width, Panel1.Height);
BitBlt(BMP[framecount].hdc, 0, 0, panel1.Width, Panel1.Height, hdc,
0, 0, SRCCOPY);
I guess it is a bit beyond the scope of Pas programming here, but if anyone
has any ideas on why increasing the window size could make the image go
blurred on action shots appreciate ur thoughts. Immediate thoughts are the
speed of the processor, but I am using a fairly fast machine/video card, so
that shouldnt be the issue.
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