Unless I have missunderstood, SQL7 has no equivolent of Interbases
generators, or Oracles Sequences? Instead it has the identity data type
which is akin to Access or paradox Autoincrement columns.

The only time you seem to be able to see what your identity value was/is is
immediatly following a insert statement.

Coming form an Interbase background for the last few years, this idea of
identity columns looks very decadent, and  extremely shortsighted of
MS/Sybase, and  really surprised me that it is still like this.

So what about the multi user situation. Can we guarantee that Select
Identity@@ will allways get the last identity for this specific user?

What a dumb dumb idea. It more or less completely ignores the concept of
using surrogate keys.

What do others do about this for MSSQL based Delphi Apps? It seems to me
that the only reasonable approach is to use an increment table, and
copmpletely abandon the Indentity concept. What are others doing here?



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