Jeremy wrote:
I am just tweaking an app. I have been working on for a while now, and I want to have the ability to have multiple components created dynamicaly...ok, that bits fine, BUT if I want to FREE one of them (say dynamic component #5) I cant, as its not a global control, i.e. its created inside a procedure., and there is no ref. to it outside the procedure  its been created in.
The simple answer is ofcourse, jst declear it so that it is visible to the whole app. BUT the problem here is, I am not sure how many I will need, or rather how many the USER will want to have, could be none, could be 10 or even 20...who knows.
How then, do I get around this ?  any ideas/suggestons ?
The component will be in the Components list of it's Owner, the Controls list of it's Parent, or if unowned and unparented, you could just declare a private TList of your own to hold your dynamic components.

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