One way that I have used is to precede the string with an fixed width field
that stores the length of the string.  Example:

  string11, string2, concatstring: string;

  string1 := 'Test string1';
  string2 := 'Test string2';

  ConcatString := IntToHex (Length(string1), 8) + string1 + IntToHex
(Length(string2), 8) + string2;

ConcatString now holds:

'00000008Test string100000008Test string2'

Then unpacking is a simple matter of reading the first 8 characters,
converting that to an integer, and use that to read the correct number of
bytes into the sting:

  string11, string2, concatstring: string;
  sLength: string;
  iLength: Integer;

  sLength := Copy (ConcatString, 1, 8);
  iLength := StrToInt ('$' + sLength);
  string1 := Copy (ConcatString, 9, iLength);
  ConcatString := Copy (ConcatString, 9 + iLength);
  sLength := Copy (ConcatString, 1, 8);
  iLength := StrToInt ('$' + sLength);
  string2 := Copy (ConcatString, 9, iLength);

Hope this helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> What is the best way to communicate a bunch of strings through udp?
> I thought of concatenating them altogether with some symbol
> between (say &),
> but how would I go about unpacking it?

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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