This sort of behaviour can happen with RB when the report overflows its page. Not repeating a report but in the same report multiple pages are produced. The fault I describe is repaired by adjusting, typically shrinking, the band height. This is more of a page design fault than a bug. Is this the problem you see?
A bug with RB is this. Drop a component onto the report. Rename the component. Then immediately click on the component before performing another operation. Crash. (RBPro v5.x).
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 2:24 PM
Subject: [DUG]: Report Builder

HI all.
Has anyome had any issues with Report Builder Pro when printing a number of documents, one document after another ?
We have an issue in out auckland branch where our CEO prints one report, then another then another then another etc. and the report goes COMPLETELY mental.
Its not a driver problem we have established that, but just ondered if anyone else has had this problem ?
Jeremy Coulter (Software Development Team Leader)
Triton Commercial Systems
6A Burdale Street
( +64 3 3483973  Fax +64 3 3431613

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