Anyone "been there and solved that" for this problem?
I have an MDI app and the main form has TsizeConstraints all 0, so no constraints.
An MDIChild window has constraints for Max/Min/Ht/Wd.
When the child form is opened and the main form is large enough to accomodate the opening size of the child the child's constraints are respected during resizing.
When the child form is opened and the main form has width and height smaller than the childs Min Ht, Wd constraints the childs original Min constraints are not respected. It appears the child's Min constraints were lowered. I can check this.
I would like the child's original Min constraints to remain and for scroll bars to appear in the main form when a child opens if its Min constraints are larger than the main form's dimensions.
At present a user would be justified in saying the child window looks awful when opened in case two.
Any solutions?

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