What about
  ref2 := ref1 as IStream;  ??

If the variant has been passed from VBScript (or something else) it will be
either a IUnknown or IDispatch interface rather than a IStream. an
OLEVaraiant does not hold any arbitrary interface only.

Suggest you do a cast using tagVariant to check the actual types etc of the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wilfred Verkley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 9:51 AM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi
> Subject:      [DUG]:  Help
> Hi all.
> Im having some trouble type-converting OleVariants (OleDeviants would
> probably be more correct).
> I have an OleVariant reference which i know points to a IStream object.
> How
> can I convert this to a variable of IStream?
> i.e.
> var
>   ref1 : OleVariant;
>   ref2 : IStream;
> begin
>   ref2 := IStream (ref1); // doesnt work
> end;
> Thanks in advance,
> Wilfred.
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