Arial Narrow is a variable pitch font. According the the on-line help setting
the pitch of a variable pitch font to fpFixed will cause Windows to substitute
the nearest fixed pitch font. What happens if you set the pitch to fpDefault?

Alan Rose wrote:

> Hi, I need help printing proportionally.
> Ive had success with fonts like "courier new" etc, but I found the letter
> spacing was too wide to fit the content on the page. Ideally the "Arial
> Narrow" font would do, but this doesnt work even with pitch set to fpFixed.
> Is there a better way to do this with any font. Thanks in advance.
>   if chkLandscape.checked then
>     Printer.Orientation := poLandscape
>   else
>     Printer.Orientation := poPortrait;
>   AssignPrn(MyPrt);
>   Rewrite(MyPrt);
>   Printer.Canvas.font.size := 9;
> // := 'Courier';
> := 'Arial Narrow';
> // := 'Lucida Sans Typewriter';
>   Printer.Canvas.Font.Pitch := fpFixed;
>   Writeln(MyPrt, mmReports.Text);
>   System.CloseFile(MyPrt);
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John Mason
Sinclair Knight Merz Limited

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