Patrick Dunford wrote:
> But why should you get around it?
> As far as I am concerned this change in later versions of Windows is a very
> good thing. There are many times when you don't want another window coming
> to the front and interrupting what you are doing. I could give endless
> examples of this.

So could I.  But there are also times when the fact that BringWindowToFront
has been slightly crippled can ruin your day.  I have one app that refused
to come to the front when restored from the task bar, so in that case (and a
couple of others) I NEEDED this routine.  Took me several hours to find out
what was wrong and how to fix it.

So there are times when it's useful to have this sort of routine laying
around, and it never hurts to learn a little more about the OS.

Corey Murtagh
The Electric Monk
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur!"
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