Nahum Wild asked:

> Currently I'm just forcibly casting at runtime the objects to 
> the interface
> and trapping the exception generated if it don't work.
> for i := fUndoList.Count-1 do begin
>   try
>     (fMyList[i] as ICommandInterface).Prune;
>   except
>     on E: EIntfCastError do begin
>       // do nothing
>     end;
>   end;
> end;
> This is pretty yuck and want to do it a better/nicer way.  Does 
> anybody know
> what I'm taking about and/or can help??

Use Supports, as in

  Command: ICommandInterface;
  I: Integer;
  for i := fUndoList.Count-1 do
    if Supports(fMyList[I], ICommandInterface, Command) then

Declared in SysUtils I think.

Cheers, Max.

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