I couldn't duplicate the situation in a new project, using only that unit.
The fact is that the code between the creation and the release of the objects,
makes no changes in the memory already reserved, it only access it; every
operation is achieved and no exception is raised. I'll have to check that code,
line by line. Thanks anyway and for all the suggestions.

   Regards, JM.

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Neven MacEwan wrote:
> Juan
> This should be
> constructor TSpIterator.Create(InitCount: Integer);
> begin
>     inherited Create;
>     if ( InitCount > 0 ) then
>     try
>        Reset(InitCount);
>     except
>        on E: EOutOfMemory do
>        MessageDlg(E.Message, mtError, [mbOk], 0);
>    end
> end;
> (not sure of the effect of calling free inside a constructor - but i
> wouldn't recommend it)
> and
>     RowsLeft := TSpIterator.Create(Rows); // problem starts here
>     ColsLeft := TSpIterator.Create(Cols);
> inside a try except
> Neven
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  Juan Manuel Gomez Ramos
  Computer Science student at Havana University
  Paraglider pilot and RadioHam (CM9BPG)
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