Hi folks,
I am led to believe that the following code should allow me to create a Desktop icon and shortcut to a program I have dreated and placed in a directory somewhere.
procedure TForm1.CreateShortCutOnDesktop(var sExeName,sDirPath :string);
                      { Parameters :- sExeName = Program name and sDirPath = Directory Path }
var tmpObject  : Unknown;
    tmpSLink   : ShellLink;
    tmpPFile   : PersistFile;
    PIDL       : PItemIDList;
    ShortCutDirectory  : array[0..255] of char;
    ShortCutFileName   : WideString;
  { Create a COM object, initialise to ShellLink interface}
  tmpObject := createComObject(CLSID_ShellLink);
  tmpSLink  := tmpObject as IShellLink;
  tmpPFile  := tmpObject as IPersistFile;
  { Create Shortcut ICON on the Desktop}
  { Error - "Not enough actual parameters}
  {--->}  SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0,CSIDL_DESKTOP.PIDL);
  { Error - Record, object or class type required}
  {--->} SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL.ShortCutDirectory);
  { Error - Undeclared Identifier : 'ShortCutDirectory'}

  ShortCutFileName := ShortCutDirectory + '\' +
  tmpPFile.Save(pWChart(ShortcutFileName), FALSE;
The program will not compile as shown by errors sussessively generated by commenting them out, for the lines marked {--->}
I would appreciate some assistance in de-bugging these.

Thanks in advance.

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