I wrote a peace of code that do this :

1 - The user writes a number
2 - That number is converted to its soundable equivalent
3 - The resulting string is broken in peaces of text
4 - To each peace of text we have a file named 'PeaceOfText.Wav', like
5 - This several 'PeacesOfText.wav' are loaded to a
    MediaPlayer's FileName Property and then played

In fact, we give a number to the computer and it returns the
correspondind text (talkable) to us. The problem is that
the delay between the loading of each 'PeaceOfText.wav' and its execution is
too much long, and dont sounds good.

My question now is :

How could i make the sound quikly than it is now ?
I'm thinking that using the string itself to 'stream' the sounds
and then point to each begining of text would accelerate the phrasis but i
dont know how to do this.

Please, any help wil be appreciated.

Sorry my english

Joao Alberto Licht Teixeira


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