Hi all....thought  better but Delph in the title of this email.....I have built an 
interface for my kia phone and was wondering if anyone else had doen teh same, and 
ever written a wee app. in Delphi or any other lang. to talk tot he phoen to get 
phonebook entries etc.?

I have a set of AT Commands that you use, but my biggest problem is, actualyl making 
the inital connecion to the phone...i.e. ATA, ATDT, AT or the like.

if any one has, can you let me know.
p.s. yes I KNOW there are lots of app.s out ther to do what I want to do, but the 
programmer in me wants to re-invent the wheel...hehehe

Thanks, Jeremy Coulter

Cheers, Jeremy Coulter

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