
I have recently upgraded my MDI application from D3 to D5.

In doing so I discovered the following problem running the application under
Windows 98:

When two MDIChild forms with their own TMainMenu objects are created and
maxmised (menus are merged) the merged menu structure gets moved to the
right and the form icon is removed, also the bordericons, although
displayed, are not working.  I can supply code if anyone is interested.

I posted the problem on the Borland Newsgroups and I have received a fix
from TeamB, however, this fix means I will have to rebuild my VCL and
unfortunately I use the TChart component in my application and D5 only ships
with the DCU.

When I highlighted this to Borland I was told I would have to purchase the
TeeChart software which is US$400!!!!

I think this is a bit rich when the bug is in D5 itself and just to correct
it I have to shell out $400!!

Has anyone else had a similar problem, any ideas, comments or workarounds?

Thanks Neil
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