Hi Colin,

Why not download Tardis of the net - it's free!



Colin Fraser wrote:
> Hi all...
> Our server's clock tends to drift over time and every month or so I have to
> keep resetting it...
> I have looked at the Indy and FastNet components to see if I can build a
> quick app to automatically get the time from various internet time
> servers... it all looked quite easy...
> Now from the specs I see that these time components are based on the 'Time'
> protocol, RFC 868. Most of the time servers I have found seems to based on
> the 'Network Time Protocol' (NTP), RFC 1305.
> Now, are these protocols in anyway compatible, or am I barking up the wrong
> tree...
> Any ideas, alternatively, does anyone know any good little apps that I could
> use instead... if building my own gets too tricky (or time consuming :-))...
> Regards
> Colin
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