
Env: Delphi 5.01 Enterprise, TeeChart 4.02 Pro

1. TChart does not honour BarWidth

If I have a bar series (not 3D) and do the following:

     for iCount := 0 to StrToInt(Edit1.Text) do
     ShowMessage('BW: ' +

then the BarWidth comes back as 0 first time through. Subsequent calls (with
the same number of points) return a value for BarWidth. Can someone suggest
a workaround?

2. Spacing between bars

If I have a bar series (not 3D) and plot various numbers of points (I have
%BarOffset = 0 and %BarWidth = 100) I get a combination of the following
based on the number of points plotted:

- No spacing between bars
- Spacing between bars (consistent spacing  size)
- Spacing between bars that is not consistent in size

I realise that this is a rounding issue, but how can I set up the TChart so
that the bars butt up against one another regardless of the number of points
in the series?


Donovan J. Edye [www.edye.wattle.id.au]
Namadgi Systems, Delphi Developer [www.namsys.com.au]
Voice: +61 2 6285-3460 Fax: +61 2 6285-3459
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