What II am really looking for, is what kind of list I should use.
I am figuring I will need to do something like list.addobject('blah',pointer(datenumber))
But what list can I use or would be best to use that i can sort by the datanumber ? (other than a TListview)
I won't claim either of these to be the BEST way, but they will work:
1.  create a sorted stringlist and use the date formatted
    as either an integer with fixed number of digits (leading 0s)
    or as YYYYMMDD.    Put pointers (or whatever) as the list
    objects to reference the associated directory entry.    Then
    call TStringlist.Sort method on the list.
2.  create a stringlist (again with the list objects pointing to the
    directory entries wherever you have them) and use the
    TStringlist.CustomSort method to sort it.    You'll have to
    write an override TStringlistSortCompare function to do the
    compares (it can just compare the dates).
hope this helps

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