Label D: Foo works fine because D: is a local drive. If D: were a mapped network drive then this would fail and give the error "the network request was not supported".
I am on Windows 2000 Pro, Service Pack 1.
I'd guess this is peculiar to Win 2000.  In NT I can't change the volume
name on mapped drives via the explorer.
Does this even make sense in general?   What if the drive is mapped to
a network share?    Then what label are you changing?
In any case you might try doing this using the WScript
FileSystemObject interface.
It doesn't work for me in NT - I get a permissions error when
I try to rename a mapped drive - but it might work in your
I admit it's ugly - but it might work.
here's the code I (tried to) use:
uses comobj;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.RenameVol(drvname,newvolname:string);
  fso: Variant;
  drv: Variant;
  fso := CreateOleObject('scripting.filesystemobject');
  drv := fso.GetDrive(drvname);

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