the first line looks ok in my email client (no file: in front)

I'm using outlook 2000 going thru Exchange Server


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, 9 March 2001 14:02
> To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
> Subject: [DUG]: no comment
> A Friday Puzzle
> M$ mail clients (like OE and Outlook) have this obnoxious 
> behaviour where if you give them message text that looks 
> like this:
> //my Delphi comment 
> they insist on changing it into this:
> file://my Delphi comment
> (and highlighting it like a hyperlink).
> If you are using one of these clients now, the two sample lines 
> above may even look the same to you (both starting with "file:")
> But if you examine the "raw text" of the message you will see 
> that the two lines are in fact NOT the same - the first starts 
> with "double slash".
> This is annoying when sending code snips or commentary about 
> them. In mail to the less aware I've even had replies come 
> back asking why "nothing happens when I click the 'link' in 
> your message".
> If i type the text (and remember to do it) i can workaround
> this with a blank after the slashes      // like this
> But still remaining is the problem of incoming code with comments
> and no workaround blank that display incorrectly (and cut/paste
> incorrectly) etc.
> Does anyone have a clean fix for this (other than the obvious 
> switch to a smarter mail client)?    A registry hack or config option
> I've overlooked?
> i hope this isn't too far off topic.   surely i'm not the only 
> one discussing delphi code in emails.
> thanks
> -ns
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