Hi all.
Have not seen ANY comments from anyone about the Borland Seminars on JBuilder and Delphi6.
It was a NICE change to have someone from Borland actually come to CHCH.
Especially to have John Kaster in person doing the Delphi 6 bit.
As my boss and I are the only Delphi developers at my work, it was good to see the 3 VB developers sqworming in their seats at the technology that D6 has....they realize how dated VB6 now is....infact...compared to D5 its total crap...but thats another story.
Anyway, they were also very impresses, and we had a "Delphi Session" as work today...YAY.
It was also a shame that the session was not a bit longer, even if it did go an hr over time :), but there was a lot we didnt see simply due to the time limitation, but none the less, i found it very informative.
I found it quite cool that the person who writes some of the stuff I uses every day was doing the presintation. Normally when Microsoft do a presintation, its a sale rep type of person, and they only know as much as they train them at the MS Zoo, where as John is an active developer too and so we got little tip bits on the way.
Anyway, thats my rant...just thoguth SOMEONE shoudl make a comment on it.
Jeremy Coulter

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