in the unit that you need to use the protected method...

        THackCustomListBox = class(TCheckListBox)

        (myCheckListBox as THackCustomListBox).MultiSelect := True;

Hope this helped.


On 8 Jun 01, at 8:24, James Low wrote:

> I am using a TCheckListBox and see its imediate ancestor is TCustomlistBox.
> TCustomlistBox has a protected property Multiselect. However, when I use my
> TCheckListBox so:
> (myCheckListbox as TCustomListbox).Multiselect := TRue
> I get told the property does not exist. The VCL code implements Multiselect.
> Why is this ... and how do I get by ListBox to Multiselect? I guess I am
> missing something fundamental. The problem is not the "myCheckListbox as
> TCustomListbox" bit as I can free the object etc ...
> In advance thanks.
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