Thanks Fill....a combination of you and Ben solved my ptoblem.

Pasically I decalre a vaiable like this :-

  aChartType   : TChartSeries;

Then I do

  case iSeries1Type of
    1: aChartType:=TPieSeries.create(nil);
    2: aChartType:=TBarSeries.create(nil);
    3: aChartType:=THorizBarSeries.create(nil);
    4: aChartType:=TFastLineSeries.create(nil);
    5: aChartType:=TAreaSeries.create(nil);

And then use aChartType to do the rest of the stuff like set the parent chart, assign 
the variables to plot etc.

thanks, Jeremy Coulter


>  Case ChartType of
>     1: create series type, then plot it
>     2: create series type, then plot it
>     3: create series type, then plot it
>  end;

You might like to look at the ChangeSeriesType of Tchart which will change 
from one to the another. Write for just one series, visible false and then change
type to desired one, visible =true.

Phil Scadden, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences
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