
Yeah. When I read network I was thinking more in terms of a WAN where nodes may only be connected by 56K modems. Obviously sitting on a 10/100mbit network will get the file copied with no problems using SMB. Try that between some modems using SMB and you have the start to ending up in a mental institution. ;-)

At 18:35 05/07/2001 +1200, you wrote:
"Donovan J. Edye" wrote:
> N,
> 1. Have a look at rsync http://rsync.samba.org/. It's available for most
> flavours of *nix as well as Windoze
> 2. A file that size would also do well from an FTP transfer. You could do
> resumes if the transfer broke etc
> Assuming that the boxes are Windoze the last thing I would be looking at
> is an SMB (ie Windoze copy) transfer

Why is that?  I've never had any problem copying 100MB+ files from one Win9x
machine to another.  Over a 10Mbit ethernet (assuming little to no other
traffic) it should only take a little over a minute to transfer a 40MB file.

Corey Murtagh
The Electric Monk
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