I know this comment is way of the mark in helping you out for this situation,but this sort of problem is why I ditched Quick Reports quite some time ago and switched to using FastReport. 
Grouping is where it really stands out..sub-totals are no problem at all - even as percentages.  Its also relatively easy to have your group header repeat on a new page (with continued.... if you wish).
FastReports also have the option of having a dialog box to select the report criteria AS PART OF THE REPORT ITSELF!!
I've written some pretty funky reports for customers using it and I KNOW that QuickReports just would NOT be able to have supported what the customer wanted.  Group totals not only as a percentage (say of department sales) but also as a percentage of something else (say total sales for the same period) are also easy.
FWIW, FastReport does this by using two passes; not over the dataset but over the report itself.  It generates placeholders (Labels?) for the totals, then goes back and fills in the labels? when the dataset scan is complete.
I believe that Kylix now uses FastReport as the built-in report-writer.
From an ease of use/capability point of view, I would rate it somewhere between QR and Nevrona's Report Builder.  Specifically, it is as easy as QR, and almost as capable as ReportBuilder, but you don't have to resort to code to do the sorts of things that ReportBuilder allows (and requires code for).
BTW, its is also very fast.  Usually faster than a comparable QR.
I stand to make nothing from endorsing this product. I'm just a happy user.  100% Delphi and source is available.  Nowhere near the number of bugs that QR has either.  If you can convince your Boss, its definitely worth a look: you'll be glad you did..
Sorry to not have any pointers on how to make QR behave.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 11:47 AM
Subject: [DUG]: Paradox SQL - Group totals as % of Grand total

Using SQL I want to assemble a dataset (to be used by a Quick Report) that will allow me to express each group total as a percentage of the grand total. 
I can't calculate the percentage at the group level in the report because we don't have the total until the end, so it seems that I need to have the grand total read into the dataset.
Are there any tricky ways of achieving this? or is there no alternative to just doing a double pass through the dataset?

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