---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Gary Benner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Its that time of year again, and these one day seminars are on the road. A
>steal at $99.

Gidday Gary,

Seeing as it's a long way to go for me plus a day off work (no income) plus the cost - 
can you please tell me the difference between this Seminar and a Captured Sales Pitch.

Reading the blurb on your letter, it does really say "Sales Pitch" to me. As a 
committed long time Delphi developer, whould I get anything at all out of this day? 

For what would essentially cost me around $700 (petrol, 1 day lost contract, entry 
fee), what would I come away with?

Or is this not really intended for the likes of me?

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