There is need to recompile DesignInfo.pas. Any references to "DsgnIntf" should be changed to "DesignIntf" and DesignIDE should be added to the list of required packages in an package using DesignIntf.

The DesignIntf and DesignEditors units are for design-time use only. They shouldn't be used in any units that are used at run-time. To compile cleanly under Delphi 6, move any code that relies on these units to a new unit that contains no run-time code. Add it and DesignIde.dcp to your package.

Effectively you now need 2 packages for any collection of components which have design-time stuff such as property editors.  A run-time and a design-time package.  There were big warnings about this when Delhpi 5 (or maybe Delphi 4) came out.  The docos said that you should never have design-time code in run-time packages (but you could get away with it).  In Delphi 6, this is now enforced.

I think you'll find it is not too big a deal.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 7:53 AM
Subject: [DUG]: Missing unit ??

HI all.
I have been converting some components I have over to Delphi 6.
I have had to change DsgnInf to Designinf and include DesignEditors.
This is all fine, BUT when I compile, I get the error "File Not Found Proxies.DCU"
I have searched my Delphi dir and I can not find the file it mentions.
I am running D6 Enterprise......can anyone shed some light on this problem ?
Thanks, Jeremy Coulter

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