Title: Message

I’m intrigued, what unforeseen problems have you come across.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Toth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Wednesday, 2 October 2002 11:25 a.m.
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: RE: Re: [DUG]: Column Names


Prefixing a table name in front of a table can lead to a lot of unforseen problems down the track especially if the fields are really the same, such as the ID in the example below. My recommendation is not to use this technique.




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter Speden
Wednesday, 2 October 2002 11:12
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: RE: Re: [DUG]: Column Names



Going back to the original SQL you wrote, given that you are doing an inner join on StoreID in the two tables then selecting the two is irrelevant as they will be the same. 


So this appears to be just a hypothetical. 


Also most of the people I know who design SQL DBs usually prefix a tablename code in front of the field in the db ie in your case we would have s_STOREID and sc_STOREID.  This makes it unique in views as well.  SQL server when designing views where fieldnames are the same will make one of them have an alias (defaults to Expr1), so thinking that it isn’t really a limitation of TDataset in this case. 


I can see your point though, but think it is at a hypothetical level.  Perhaps you should write your own TField that supports this functionality.



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