----- Original Message -----
From: "Alistair George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of list delphi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 9:06 AM
Subject: [DUG]: Control has no owner

> A moot case now as I found another solution but could it be clarified why
> below is not right and what would be right:
> procedure TMainform.VETclearchecks;
> var tempstr: tmemo;
> begin
>   tempstr := tmemo.Create(self);      //I'm not doing this right here
>   tempstr.Clear;
>   VET.BeginUpdate;
>   try
>     VET.Storage.CheckedFileNames := tempstr.Lines;
>     VET.RefreshTree;
>   finally
>     VET.EndUpdate;
>     tempstr.Free;
>   end;
> end;
> procedure TMainform.VETclearchecks;
> var tstring:tstrings;
> begin
> tstring:=tstringlist.Create;
>   VET.BeginUpdate;
>   try
>     VET.Storage.CheckedFileNames := tstring;
>     VET.RefreshTree;
>   finally
>     VET.EndUpdate;
>   end;
>   tstring.Free;
> end;

James has already give the answer to the question you asked, i.e. that a
TMemo wants to be on a form and you wouldn't usually just create one on the
fly, use it in code and then free it. But you may be creating another
problem for yourself:

You've created a list of strings temporarily and assigned it to some
property within the VET thingy. If VET.storage is copying the strings into
an internal object when you set the CheckedFileNames property that may be
fine, but if it uses the list directly you may be setting yourself up for an
access violation later. You have assigned
CheckedFileNames to an object which you have subsequently freed. Is
CheckedFileNames left holding a pointer to that now non-existent object?
What happens if you call VET.RefreshTree again?

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