Title: Message
its ok. I found the problem....
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jeremy Coulter
Sent: Saturday, 2 November 2002 09:54
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: RE: [DUG]: Float to Time problem

because, the float value might be 59.789 or something.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dave
Sent: Saturday, 2 November 2002 09:47
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: Re: [DUG]: Float to Time problem

Why not FormatDateTime('HH:MM:SS.ZZZ', TotalET)?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 11:55 PM
Subject: [DUG]: Float to Time problem

Hi All.

I have a float value, well actually its a single, that I need to convert to a time.
I write this function which turns the time as a string, but there is too much rounding going on.

i.e. a time that SHOULD be 1:18.526 ends up being  01:21.217 !!

I am sure there is a better way, or rather a way to make this function more precise therefore give me the righ time. Can someone help me out here?


function Return_Time(iTime : single):string;
 totalET : single;
 totalET_hours, totalET_Mins,totalET_secs, totalET_msecs : String;


if Trunc(totalET) / 360 < 10 then
   totalET_hours:='0'+inttostr(trunc(totalET) div 360)
   totalET_hours:=inttostr(trunc(totalET) div 360);

 if Trunc(totalET) / 60 < 10 then
   totalET_Mins :='0'+inttostr(Trunc(totalET) div 60)
   totalET_Mins :=inttostr(Trunc(totalET) div 60);

 if Trunc(totalET) mod 60 < 10 then
   totalET_secs := formatFloat('00', Ceil(totalET) mod 60)
   totalET_secs := formatFloat('00', Ceil(totalET) mod 60);

 Result:=totalET_hours+ ':' + totalET_mins + ':'+ totalET_Secs + '.' + Copy(FloatToStr(frac(totalET)),3,3);
Jeremy Coulter
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