I think getAxisLabel is something TChart calls itself so you probably shouldn't be calling it.

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 14:08:17 +1200, Tracey Maule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have dynamically created a Chart, with 3 HorizBarSeries which are mbStacked.

What I now need to figure out is how to set the Left Axis labels to display the contents of another field returned by my query for that record.

does anyone know how to do this without affecting the data values?

The closest i have come to success so far is:

procedure GetAxisLabel(Sender: TChartAxis;
Series: TChartSeries; ValueIndex: Integer; var LabelText: string);
if Sender = FChart.LeftAxis then
if ValueIndex < 1 then
LabelText := ''
LabelText := IBQuery1.FieldByName('system').AsString;

WebActionWhatever; begin stuff GetAxisLabel(LeftAxis, HorizBarSeries, 1, 'any old string'); end;

But I keep getting a compile error : constant object cannot be passed as a var parameter.

Anyone here know how to acheive this??

Software Developer / Web Master
(025) 213-1065


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