Right that makes sense :-)
So you could use a pointer then?


  TMyRec = Record
    name : string;

a : TMyRec;
b : ^TMyRec;
a.name := 'Bob';

 b := @a;
 b.name := 'Smile';

 showmessage(a.name); //shows Smile

Judd, Struan (eCargo) wrote:
Records are constructs with Value semantics whereas Objects have
Reference semantics.

This means that in the following code is the Assignment 1 and Assignment
2 are semantically identical:

Var a, b: record
        name: String;
        age: Integer;

        a.name := 'Me';
        a.age := 39;

//      Assignment 1
        b := a;

//      Assignment 2
        b.name := a.name;
        b.age := a.age;

TTFN, Struan.

Nick wrote:
Got something weird here - weird because I probably don't understand
it properly but it caused me a bit of delay... Simplified, I had a
global array of records, during my procedure I would do something
like this
PRec := MyArrayofPRec[0];
PRec.name := 'Hi';

Now for some reason I was expecting MyArrayOfPRec[0].name to be now
'Hi' as well, but it's not.

Here is an example that I whipped up just now which lead me to expect
  TMyRec = Record
    name : string;

  Form1: TForm1;
  TTH : TMyRec;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin
  TTH.name := 'BoB';

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var
  t : TMemo;
  b : TMyRec;
  t := Memo1;

  b := TTH;
  b.name := 'Smile';

Now in this example when it's ran and button 1 is clicked - Hi is
added to the Memo1 and Bob is added. So why can I assign Memo1 to T and all actions done to T are done to Memo1, but the same isn't with the Record. Is it because Record isn't from TObject?
I guess it's like
    a,b : integer;
    a := 1;
    b := a;
    b := 10; //a still = 1 which is what I would expect end;

so is it because TMemo is an Object and the record and a,b above are
just variables?

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