My 2 cents:

The inclusion of (usable but limited versions of? - I think so, or that is
the impression I have) AQTime, FinalBuilder and CodeSite are to justify the
money-go-round of upgrade fees this year and to avoid cries of FOUL from the
SA subscribers, given that there is precious little else to justify the

FinalBuilder in particular is if anything surely something of an
embarrassment, after making such a big deal of the inclusion of MS Build
technology (from 2007+ iirc).

Don't get me wrong, FinalBuilder is great (we use it ourselves).  We also
use AQTime, so the value of XE is of course significantly diminished in
those respects.

Similarly, we have zero interest in RadPHP, so zero value there (for us)
either.  [giving it away is probably the only way they have of shifting that
particular member of the RAD Studio family - distant cousin though it may
be]  ;)

As for the other things, the SVN client integration is, in some respects at
least, a step *backwards* from the already nicely integrated facilities
offered by TortoiseSVN and the Jedi JCL SVN IDE plug-in.

This release is not just disappointing but the way that the release has been
(mis)managed with the updated, confusing roadmap and the drip-feeding of
underwhelming features ... overall sadly I find little to be encouraged by,
let alone excited about, so far.

I can only hope that there is actually far more in XE than we have been
shown so far or than has been indicated we are going to be shown.

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