Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't os-x support a precursor to 64bit and
hence why they are doing it first.  That is a lot of the work involved
in os-x support lends itself to them providing 64 bit.  Therefore if
os-x is delayed wont 64-bit be delayed.

I only care about the 64 bit feature.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of David Brennan
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2010 5:07 p.m.
To: 'NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List'
Subject: Re: [DUG] Delphi XE (2011)

There are both positive and negative aspects that I see.

Obviously this release has less genuine "meat" in it than recent
releases which is a negative. Little in there excites us, although any
further bug fixes, performance/stability improvements, help improvements
will be welcome (probably the biggest thing we would see in this
particular update - we are only using Delphi 2007 but if we do make the
jump across the Unicode barrier then we will want the landing pad to be
suitably robust!).

Positively though I would rather they recognise that it was foolish to
think they could do a strong cross compilation version in just one year
and postpone it a year (as it appears they have), than to have them
release a half baked dog which forever puts people off the Linux/OS-X

Not that we could care less about Linux/OS-X support but I would rather
have Delphi being managed by a company which thinks of the future rather
than shipping incomplete rubbish (Delphi 8 anyone?) in order to suck in
a bit more money now at the cost of their future.

Back to the negatives, the biggest concern in all this is that it may
mean 64bit gets pushed back by yet another year. Their roadmap shows 3
releases before it says something along the lines of FULL 64bit support!

We don't actually need 64bit right now but the writing is on the wall
and soon, perhaps next month, perhaps next year, I can see something
will come up that requires us to build a 64bit exe and at that point we
are going to want it immediately and urgently. It appears a number of
Delphi developers have already hit that point and I can't help thinking
they are bleeding more customers (permanently!) for every year 64bit is


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Jolyon Smith
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2010 4:25 p.m.
To: 'NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List'
Subject: Re: [DUG] Delphi XE (2011)

My 2 cents:

The inclusion of (usable but limited versions of? - I think so, or that
is the impression I have) AQTime, FinalBuilder and CodeSite are to
justify the money-go-round of upgrade fees this year and to avoid cries
of FOUL from the SA subscribers, given that there is precious little
else to justify the money.

FinalBuilder in particular is if anything surely something of an
embarrassment, after making such a big deal of the inclusion of MS Build
technology (from 2007+ iirc).

Don't get me wrong, FinalBuilder is great (we use it ourselves).  We
also use AQTime, so the value of XE is of course significantly
diminished in those respects.

Similarly, we have zero interest in RadPHP, so zero value there (for us)
either.  [giving it away is probably the only way they have of shifting
that particular member of the RAD Studio family - distant cousin though
it may be]  ;)

As for the other things, the SVN client integration is, in some respects
at least, a step *backwards* from the already nicely integrated
facilities offered by TortoiseSVN and the Jedi JCL SVN IDE plug-in.

This release is not just disappointing but the way that the release has
been (mis)managed with the updated, confusing roadmap and the
drip-feeding of underwhelming features ... overall sadly I find little
to be encouraged by, let alone excited about, so far.

I can only hope that there is actually far more in XE than we have been
shown so far or than has been indicated we are going to be shown.

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