
It looks like a compiler bug to me.  Its treating the array as size 0.

My suggestion is to use a class/Tobject instead of record.


On 25/08/2011 11:40 a.m., David Moorhouse (DUG) wrote:
I have the following code snippet

   PConstArray = ^TConstArray;
   TConstArray = array of TVarRec;

function CreateConstArray(const Elements: array of const): TConstArray;

   TLogType = (ltError, ltWarn, ltInfo);
   PLogData = ^TLogData;
   TLogData = record
     LogType: TLogType;
     LogArgs: TConstArray;


procedure TUserClass.Log(const LogType: TLogType; const Args: array of
const );
   LogData: PLogData;
     // size of record TLogData does not work
     GetMem(LogData, sizeof(TLogData));
     LogData.LogType := LogType;
// blows up on next line
     LogData.LogArgs := CreateConstArray(Args);
//  ... do some other stuff with the LogData item finally calling FreeMem

function CreateConstArray(const Elements: array of const): TConstArray;
   I: Integer;
   SetLength(Result, Length(Elements));
   for I := Low(Elements) to High(Elements) do
     Result[I] :=  // assign a TVarRec here

The code that assigns the memory only assigns 8 bytes - and an access
violation ensues.  If I replace the call to "sizeof" with the number 16,
the code works fine.

My understanding of dynamic arrays was that the compiler created a 4 byte
field before the first element that contained the length of the array.

So why does the sizeof  function not reflect this ?  And why do I need 16
bytes not 12  (4 for LogType + 4 for length of array + 4 for array
Also regardless of the number of items in the open array parameter, 16
bytes works, so it does not relate the length of the TConstArray.

Your thoughts ?


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__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
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*Rohit Gupta*
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