I think its safe to assume that when the xsd for the cimi spec is written 
it'll be written such that the xml elements will be required to be in the 
order specified by the xsd.

STSM |  Standards Architect  |  IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905  |  IBM 444-6905  |  d...@us.ibm.com
The more I'm around some people, the more I like my dog.

Tong Li/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS 
11/10/2011 08:36 AM
Please respond to

Re: Model layer for CIMI

I do not think DMTF cimi spec strongly suggested the sequence of the 
elements. At least it did not say in the spec. although most of the 
samples do show a patten of the elements. When I used XmlSimple (), it 
actually keeps the right order with the xml it reads in. The difficulty is 
when you have a hash (produced by XmlSimple from an XML doc), you most 
likely will add or remove things off of the hash, that is where it 
sequence really get messed up, I do not consider it has anything to do 
with the XmlSimple, it is just when hash get serialized to xml or json, 
probably the serializer does not know how to deal with the sequence since 
the hash certainly does not have the sequence information of its members.

just my 2cents.

Tong Li
Emerging Technologies & Standards
Building 501/B205

lutter---11/09/2011 04:19:20 PM---This is a model layer for CIMI that does 
both serialization and deserialization of JSON and XML base

From: lut...@redhat.com
To: deltacloud-dev@incubator.apache.org
Date: 11/09/2011 04:19 PM
Subject: Model layer for CIMI

This is a model layer for CIMI that does both serialization and
deserialization of JSON and XML based on a simple metadata description of
the CIMI model expressed in a custom DSL. In particular, we won't need 
templates to format objects, and I am reasonably sure that the metadata
makes sure we serialize in a predictable manner to XML.

Patch 1/2 contains the basics, including the DSL, 2/2 shows how this can 
used for a specific class.

There's a few convenience additions that should be made to the DSL, in
particular making it possible to reuse nested structures that are used in
several places, something like

 array :operations, :class => Operation

but we can add that later.

One small fly in the ointment is that the use of XmlSimple causes child
elements in XML to be rendered in an unpredictable order; the CIMI 
doesn't say anything about reordering elements, though with a strict
interpretation of XML, the rendered XML does not conform to the XML schema
implicitly defined in the CIMI standard.


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